#InspireInclusion: Download IWD education resources explaining women’s rights

International Women's Day (and beyond) provides an important opportunity to educate and inspire children and young people about gender equality.

Teachers, parents and caregivers can play a key role in raising awareness about barriers that impact the advancement of women and girls. They can also help educate about challenging stereotypes and bias. Additionally, they can inspire future generations by celebrating role models and highlighting the wide range of women's achievements. They can also reinforce the diversity of women overall.

Help forge greater understanding about gender

The IWD Gender and Women’s Rights Activity Pack was kindly developed by the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts to help forge better understanding about gender, women's equality, and issues that impact the lives of women and girls.

An impactful resource to educate and inspire

There were three categories of activities within the Pack:

  • Understanding Gender: exploring gender roles and stereotypes
  • Women’s rights are Human Rights: exploring the concept of rights and why they are important
  • Gender & Climate Change: exploring how climate change disproportionately affects women and girls

The Pack materials were aimed at children aged:

  • between 6 - 11 years
  • between 12 - 15 years
  • 15 years and above

A supportive space to talk about gender equality

Namrata from Nepal strruck the IWD #BreakTheBias pose to show solidarity in 2022.

It is important to create a space for children and young people to feel supported and comfortable to talk about gender equality, and their experiences and rights.

It is important to have an agreed code of conduct that is supportive, sensitive and understanding of diversity and difference.

Children and young people need to feel safe, but also encouraged to speak out and share their experiences, concerns and points of view.

All participants should feel encouraged

Guides from Australia came together to raise awareness about how collectively we can #BreakTheBias in 2022.

The Pack provided a wide range of step-by-step activities to bust stereotypes, explore human rights, and spotlight issues that impact women and girls like climate change.

Elysha from The Philippines showed her support to #BreakTheBias in 2022.

Looking for even more resources, see  previous IWD WAGGGS education and awareness raising resources and toolkits here


As mentioned, you can still access the Pack here.

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