Greatest ever International Women's Day videos

International Women's Day videos form a big part of celebrations on March 8, as well as providing a call-to-action for gender parity. Here are some of the most powerful, popular, interesting, effective and fun IWD videos from around the world over the years - and there are many more.

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IWD videos are watched all over world - in schools, foyers, shopping centers, libraries, gymnasiums, hotels and at all sorts of events.

Here are some favorite IWD videos from over the years. Watch them. Share them with your community. Enjoy!

1. Did you know ...

So how did International Women's Day begin? Let's hear about its century-plus history and meaning.

2. Dance your message to the world

The world was inspired by these fabulous dancers from India and their super big message that's just as relevant today as it was when they supported the IWD 2018 #PressForProgress campaign theme.

3. The spirit of collaboration

When women come together, they're a powerful and creative force for good. 

4. Sometimes comedy is great to get a message across

British comedians Flo and Joan celebrate International Women's Day in their own special way, as only they would.


5. An awesome IWD #BalanceforBetter rap

This brilliant #BalanceforBetter Rap song sends a fabulous message about creating a better business - and a better world.

6. Time to party!

Get your purple gear on everyone and let's celebrate International Women's Day.

7. Sometimes it's the hard facts that are most powerful

There are many issues facing women and girls around the world as they fight for equality and respect.

8. Iconic celebrities support International Women's Day

Beyonce the American singer, songwriter, dancer and actress shared her female empowerment message with the world - and her fans shared theirs.

9. What happens when you ask girls one important question?

Being judged, labelled, discriminated against - girls around the world know how it feels.

10. The race is on

This video has been an all-time favorite, and provides some 'must-see' inspiration for young girls.

11. Actively involve friends, colleagues and community

Over the years, groups have called on their communities to spread the word and celebrate IWD in all its many forms.


There are many, many more videos to watch. Enjoy!

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