Get the FREE IWD 2025 Planning Toolkit

International Women's Day, marked annually on March 8, is the biggest women-focused day of the year.

Worldwide, groups and individuals unify to celebrate and support women's advancement.

Looking for some FREE International Women's Day (IWD) planning guidance and resources to help with IWD activity coordination?

The IWD Planning Toolkit is made available as a helpful resource to ensure IWD activity is impactful and engaging.

From IWD resources to help raise awareness, to social media assets, printable items, and inspiration - the FREE IWD Planning Toolkit is packed with lots of helpful ideas and information.

Educate, inspire and engage your community

IWD free events resources

The IWD 2025 Planning Toolkit packed full of great resources.

And, because IWD 2025 will see an elevated spotlight on incorporating fundraising into IWD events, keep an eye out over the coming months for a range of useful guidance to help plan great fundraising activity for IWD and beyond.     

Download IWD 2025 Planning Toolkit


Share your own IWD resources for others to access

Does your organization have useful IWD tools and resources of a high professional and suitable standard for audiences worldwide?

Make contact if you would like to explore this opportunity and potentially have your organization's resources considered for inclusion on the IWD website.


IWD Toolkit

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