Redefining girlhood: Celebrating International Day of the Girl

 July 08, 2019

In a world that’s moving towards a kinder, better and more equal future, evidence shows there’s still progress to be made to empower girls.

Globally, more than 130 million girls are not attending primary or secondary school according to UNESCO’s Institute for Statistics and around 60% of undernourished people worldwide are women or girls states the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

But there is also hope becuase for every extra year a girl stays in school, her income can increase by 11% according to the World Bank.

These statistics are motivating and encourage everyone, from individuals to companies to governing bodies, to make a positive impact to lives of girls throughout the world. And, there’s no better day to celebrate this commitment than on International Day of the Girl.

Lead out loud: WAGGGS celebrates International Day of the Girl

/WAGGGS Lead Out Loud

One organization that is partuicularly making a huge impact within the global community of girls is the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.

WAGGGS represents 10 million girls and young women in 150 countries, making it the world's largest international organisation for girls. As the global umbrella organisation for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, WAGGGS provides girls with the opportunity to develop leadership skills, speak out on important issues, and to make changes in communities and countries.

WAGGGS organizes an annual International Day of the Girl campaign and this year the charity is asking people to share stories of “unscripted” and “unstoppable” girls in their communities, families and schools while encouraging these girls to Lead Out Loud.

Highlighting issues and solving them

International Day of the Girl provides a great opportunity for organizations like WAGGGS to reinforce the needs and challenges girls face, while promoting girls' empowerment and the fulfillment of their human rights.

International Day of the Girl iprovides an important opportunity to focus support on improving education, survival rates, protection from child marriage and abuse, and access to health care services.

The day not only highlights issues that girls face, but it also raises visibility in terms of the positive impact that comes from solving these critical issues. For example, educating girls strengthens an economy and this benefits everyone on a global scale.

Celebrating girl leaders worldwide

International Day of the Girl is also a chance to celebrate the progress being made and those girls who already Lead Out Loud. From Emma Gonzalez to Malala Yousafzai and Greta Thunberg, young leaders and activists are redefining girlhood and making a radical stand for their rights and the rights of others around the world. They’re demonstrating the potential of girls and how important it is to allow every girl to fulfil their dreams.

International Day of the Girl reinforces a clear message that all girls should enjoy the freedom and support to be who they want to be, develop the knowledge and skills they seek, and to access the opportunities to help them progress.

Making a stand to support girls

Annually around the world, many people and groups organize and hold events to help raise awareness of International Day of the Girl. Girls are staging takeovers and stepping into the shoes of leaders to highlight the power and strength that girls possess to forge an equal and more inclusive world.

Change is happening. What will you do to support our girls?

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