Choose to challenge the status quo

Monica Eaton-Cardone, Co-founder & COO, Chargebacks911

 IWD 2021

At Chargebacks911 our motto is Challenge the Status Quo, we live it every day when we fight payment fraud for our customers. We also live it on International Women’s Day as we make our pledge to #ChoosetoChallenge the barriers to gender diversity today and always.

Especially in the technology sector, which is reckoning with a large gender gap, we recognize the imperative for higher levels of diversity and representation. Not only is this a moral judgement – it’s also smart business. Varied perspectives make for a more dynamic, in-touch and ultimately sustainable organization. To build technology that works, everyone who uses it will need to be represented with a seat at the table.

Our approach to closing this gap is based on three key principles:

  • Help young girls develop a passion for technology early on through STEM education and programs.
  • Hold the door for others by encouraging a company culture of mentorship and advocacy.
  • Encourage diverse leadership to attract more women to the organization and retain them through inclusive policies.

I’m proud to lead a tech-enabled company where 45% of our leaders are women. While this shows great progress, there is more work to be done.

We will continue to #ChoosetoChallenge the status quo to achieve an inclusive and equitable industry.



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