Securing the world by breaking the bias

Lars van Dassen, Executive Director, World Institute for Nuclear Security

 IWD 2022

At World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS), we believe that change starts at home. We strive to create an inclusive and healthy workplace that allows for opportunity for all. It is our ambition to set the standard for gender equality in nuclear security and lead by example.

The contribution of women to nuclear security is profound. However, barriers remain as women are underrepresented at all levels of nuclear security. A fundamental underpinning to most of these barriers is – one way or another - gender bias. And through WINS' Gender Programme, we are continuously working to #BreakTheBias.

To start, we recognise that language matters when it comes to ensuring that our audience feels inclusive and welcome. We are committed to adopting inclusive language in all our events, announcements, communications and publications.

We are also striving to break the glass ceiling in nuclear security. Women account for at most 20% of the workforce at all levels in nuclear security. In 2022, WINS is committed to achieving 40% representation of women in all its projects and programmes. This includes the number of women participating and subject matter experts at our events. We hope that this will have an impact even for the women not directly encompassed by our activities and events.

It is our belief that by achieving both these objectives, we will be able to empower and uplift more women to join nuclear security, showcase their expertise at events and become powerful forces of change in the field. With increased visibility, the gender bias will decrease.



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