
International Women's Day 2025 events

The world comes together for International Women's Day (IWD) on March 8 to celebrate women's achievements, reinforce commitment to gender equality, and rally for change.

IWD also provides a key opportunity for groups to fundraise and/or promote visibility for women-focused charities.

With so many IWD events being held every year, we're on a mission to get all IWD events nominating a charity as the recipient of their fundraising and/or promotional support.

In addition to the free IWD 2025 Planning Toolkit, IWD Event organizers have access to key resources and an IWD Giving Directory to support fundraising and/or promotional activity for charities across the IWD Giving ecosystem.

Together, let's "Support the Supporters" in forging women's advancement worldwide.

IWD Event Packs orders
IWD Toolkit

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