We Are Better When We Live Inclusion

Steve Demetriou, Chair & CEO, Jacobs

 IWD 2022

At Jacobs, we live inclusion. It’s how we #BreakTheBias, enable diversity and equality globally for women, and drive meaningful, measurable change in our company and communities we serve.

We’ve benefitted from improved gender diversity and believe the Justice and Equality action plan is the next chapter in our success. We’re pursuing 40:40:20 gender diversity (40% women, 40% men, 20% any gender) by FY2025. It’s not just about numbers, it’s about leveraging each person’s unique perspectives, contributions, and dreams to make us stronger.

We foster a culture of belonging across the entire enterprise through our eight 23,000-member Jacobs Employee Networks. Jacobs Women’s Network helps #BreakTheBias by challenging us to address issues that impact women and creating opportunities for women to develop, mentor, and shine. We’re partnering with Catalyst on MARC (Men Advocating Real Change) Dialogue Teams, facilitating dialogue to dismantle unconscious bias and barriers to inclusion.

Our commitment is reflected in our leadership: 50% of our Executive Team members are women, with overall diversity at 60%. We have three women on our board, with an overall board diversity of 50%.  In our intern and new graduate program, 46% are female.

Jacobs’ women are contributors, experts, and leaders moving our business forward.

As a proud Catalyst CEO Champion for Change since 2017, and a founding member of Champions of Change Global Tech, I am personally committed to driving positive change and creating a more inclusive workplace at Jacobs.  

Let’s live inclusion and #BreakTheBias together.



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