Working towards balanced gender representation

Thomas Ă–stros, Vice President, European Investment Bank

 IWD 2022

Gender equality is about human rights and equal opportunities, but is also about how our organisation can become more efficient and improve our business model. It is a core European value and as the Bank of the European Union, we look forward to working towards a more balanced gender representation in our institution in the years to come.

One of the main elements that guides our work on gender equality is the EDGE certification. Becoming certified as a gender-conscious organisation has given us a clear direction to improve our people-focused operations and to align closely with our work on women’s empowerment through our investments in the European Union and all over the world.

The values of diversity, inclusion, equality, equity, non-discrimination, respect and dignity guide our everyday actions, decisions and behaviours.

Everyone plays a role in making our organisation the inclusive employer we want to contribute to on a daily basis.

Mentoring for top talented women, training on unconscious bias, a thriving gender Employee Resource Group and a no diversity, no panel pledge. These are just some of the many initiatives that we have launched to foster gender equality at the EIB Group.

We all have a role to play! #BreakTheBias.



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