Collectively, we can all fight the good fight
Women's equality is everyone's responsibility.
Worldwide, anyone can play an important part in their own chosen way.
International Women's Day (IWD) belongs to everyone, everywhere. There's a space and place for everyone to help fight the good fight. That's the spirit of abundance.
All IWD activity is valid, that's what makes IWD inclusive.
IWD was started collectively by burning passion and tenacity for positive change back in 1911. Today, it is this very essence that ignites, inspires, directs and connects audiences globally. One world, one mission: a movement forging women's equality. Collective activism connects audiences from anywhere, and everywhere. IWD draws together and unifies all those who care deeply about women's equality, who care about righting the wrongs, who care about doing what they can to help forge a gender-equal and inclusive world.
As feminist Gloria Steinem reportedly once said: "The story of women’s struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist, nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights."
IWD is everyone's day
Let's reflect on some of the impactful IWD activity that ahs been seen from across the world.
So perhaps for IWD, you may seek to lobby government for better legislation, services, facilities, or access.
Or perhaps you want to reflect upon and celebrate the women in your life - past and present.
Or maybe you want to coordinate a gathering of colleagues to reflect on much-needed action in the workplace.
Perhaps your artistic spirit is crying out to build and create something of vibrant meaning.
Or possibly you want to attend an event to feel motivated and empowered by an inspiring speaker.
Or maybe you just want to quietly get your girlfriends together and connect over some heartwarming food, refreshments, and supportive conversation.
No matter what you do, your choice of IWD activity is valid and impactful. That's what makes IWD inclusive.
Talking about gender issues, raising awareness, building solidarity, sharing different perspectives, offering support - are all key in the journey to women's equality.
There is no right or wrong way to mark IWD. Just as we should never try to control how a woman can think, or what she can wear, or who she can be, or what she can say - do not let any group or individual criticize, invalidate or judge your choice of IWD activity and narrative for it is this sheer diversity of activity, and the varied participation of all, that makes IWD truly inclusive and impactful.
IWD inspires the masses
Together, let's make the world better for women

Include and ignite whole communities
IWD is your day, so make a difference

Reference: 18738