Women in the Creative Industries

When: March 13, 2025

Where: Manchester, United Kingdom


Our Women in the Creative Industries event is for year 8, 9 and 10 pupils and the aim of the event is:

• To encourage them to consider careers in the creative industries
• To show them the wide variety of roles and professions involved in creative projects
• To demonstrate how Futureworks, and Higher Education in general, can help them achieve their creative career goals

The event will feature workshops with specialists in a number of fields such as Games Design, Animation, Illustration, Music & Film etc. Visitors will have hands-on experiences with tutors and students to not only have fun, but also engage with professional equipment and practices to get a feel for what’s involved in each discipline.  

Alongside workshops there will be guest speakers and panels, and a chance to speak to both current students and alumni.

Women are considerably under-represented in the creative industries with 70% of people working in the games industry are male, compared to 28 per cent female and 2 per cent non-binary workers https://www.thecreativeindustries.co.uk/facts-figures/video-games-employment-uk

At Futureworks we feel it’s vital we play our part in making creative Higher Education and careers as accessible and appealing as possible.  

We hope this event will help female students see a place for themselves in the creative industries, and encourage them to consider Futureworks, and Higher Education as a whole, as a gateway to the career they choose.
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