Milwaukee's IWD: Women Under Attack Fight Back!

When: March 8, 2025

Where: Milwaukee, United States


Join us to celebrate International Women's Day in Milwaukee from 11am-3pm for a rally, march, and community-building event.

The celebration begins at Red Arrow Park at 11 am for a rally and 0.5-mile march.

Then, at Turner Hall, engage with neighbors, and a speaking panel of local activists, and enjoy local vendors and food trucks.

We aim to connect community members to local organizations and resources and uplift incredible leaders in the struggle.

Throughout the event, we will highlight the history of the revolutionary women’s movement and carry its banner forward.

Join us to get engaged in taking care of our Milwaukee community and show out against the rise of fascism!

This year, the Coalition is uniting under the following six demands:

- Defend Women’s, Reproductive, Disability, and LGBTQ+ Rights
- Patients Over Profits: Stop Healthcare Closures!
- Defend Immigrant’s Rights: Stop Mass Deportations and the Separation of Families
- Justice for the Families of Police Crime Victims!
- End U.S. Interventions & Sanctions: Free Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, Sudan, Cuba, and the Congo
- Defend the Working Woman and Her Right to Organize

The Milwaukee IWD Coalition includes: Reproductive Justice Action Milwaukee, Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, Milwaukee Anti-War Committee, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, UWM Students for a Democratic Society, MALC Young Workers Committee, and WI Cuba Coalition.

Grab some friends and we'll see you soon!
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