Celebrate IWD with iGROW: Emotional Fitness for Women

When: March 11, 2025

Where: Virtual, Singapore


A working woman’s role in society is best described as a delicate balancing act.

Success in life has many definitions; however, working women often uphold the expectations of being a competent worker, effective mother and reliable friend.

Sometimes these expectations take toil of the psyche; working women may end up feeling burnt-out, overworked, underappreciated, and unsupported by their significant others – spouse, children or bosses.

Sometimes trying hard makes things worse, and women become worried and fearful of the intensity of the negative emotions they carry.

Just as physical fitness training improves physical health, Emotional Fitness for Women seeks to address the unique emotional health concerns of today’s working woman.

This talk will strengthen your ability to deal with life's unavoidable stresses and hurts. This engaging and thoughtful session is created especially for the steadfast twenty-first century females and males who care for them.

1. Strong Women with Many Emotions

2. Differentiating between Emotions and Emotional

3. Countering negative beliefs with neutral or positive thoughts

4. Cultivating Healthy Emotional Strategies
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