Gaming and Gambling Harm Prevention Workshop for Community and Faith Leaders
When: March 7, 2025
Where: Virtual, United Kingdom
Free gaming and gambling harm prevention workshop for community and faith leaders.
10:00 - 12:30 (Online)
For: Women working with marginalised young people in community or faith settings
Key Topics:
• Cultural and religious influences on youth attitudes towards gaming/gambling
• Recognising risk factors and providing support
• Developing strategies to prevent harms
To register please click the link or email
Ygam is an award-winning charity with a mission to prevent children and young people from experiencing gaming and gambling harms through awareness raising, education and research.
Through a portfolio of evidence-based programmes, we develop and deliver training and resources for a range of groups who have influence over children and young people.
#IWD2025 | #AccelerateAction
Reference: 21133