Women For Women International

Women for Women International believes strong women build strong nations.Since 1993, Women for Women International has helped nearly 429,000 marginalized women in countries affected by war and conflict. They directly work with women in 8 countries offering support, tools, and access to life-changing skills to move from crisis and poverty to stability and economic self-sufficiency.

They bring women together in a safe space to learn life, business, and vocational skills. Once enrolled, each receives a monthly stipend - a vital support that enables her to participate.

Women increase their ability to earn an income with new skills that are in-demand. They learn about their legal rights, and they become knowledgeable about health and nutrition. The result: stronger women, stronger families, and stronger communities. This ripple effect is profound.

Women for Women International delivers our programs through the generous support of individual, corporate and foundation donors, partners, and governments. Their work is regularly featured in international media, including BBC, CNN, MSNBC, The Guardian, The New York Times, 60 Minutes, and The Oprah Winfrey Show. Recognized for their global impact Women for Women International was honored with the prestigious Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize in 2006, and receives favorable ratings from independent charity groups. 

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