Color your world with inspirational women

Women and girls are diverse - and women and girls can be who, and what, they want to be. Who is a woman who inspires you - and why?

Choose an inspirational woman or motivational quote from below and get coloring! Use the moment to reflect upon and discuss the qualities and strengths you admire in women. Their paths have not been easy. Discuss why.  

Who are the women who inspire you?

Be inspired through these motivational reminders

Affirmations can be helpful, but they can in fact also set false illusions. Select an inspirational quote from below and get coloring. Use the moment to discuss why such quotes are motivational, but also to explore and reflect upon why for some women and girls around the world, positive affirmations alone certainly aren't enough to fix things.  

Share your own IWD coloring in with the world

Want to contribute your own inspiring coloring in sheet for kids worldwide to engage with? Or maybe you've colored in one of the above sheets and want to share it?

Send us your submission, so we can consider featuring it on the IWD website. And teachers, feel free to submit a photograph of your Wall of Women collage showing your students' efforts with te above IWD materials. 

Plus, share your creation across social media using the hashtag #MyIWD - and remember to get help from a teacher, parent or caregiver when it comes to social media. 

More International Women's Day coloring sheets

Enjoy these creative resources and discuss with fellow friends and students the world you want for women and girls.

IWD Toolkit

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