Download IWD Advocacy Email Signature Blocks

Help spread awareness about the importance of International Women's Day (IWD) by adding an IWD Advocacy Signature Block to your emails. Reminding friends, family and colleagues that IWD is coming - or that March 8 is here and it's IWD - is key.

Email is one of the most effective ways of mobilizing people on a mass scale very quickly. People send many emails each day, so an IWD Advocacy Email Signature Block can certainly help inspire and unite.

An IWD Advocacy Email Signature Block announces and demonstrates that you are marking and supporting IWD. It adds information to your messaging, engages others, and inspires action.

10 reasons to use an IWD Advocacy Email Signature Block

Use one of the IWD Advocacy Email Signature Blocks below to:

  • Promote recognition and awareness raising about IWD
  • Reinforce and highlight a commitment to women's equality
  • Help build engagement and convey a shared sense of purpose
  • Motivate others to learn about and get involved with IWD
  • Remind that change is achieved through collective action
  • Deliver an important example of cause-related advocacy
  • Be a call-to-action to get involved and participate
  • Inspire others about your mission and interests
  • Show support, care and commitment as an ally
  • Add a visually exciting cause-related angle to communications

Everyone, everywhere can play a role in helping forge a gender-equal world.

Download your preferred options

Choose from the IWD Advocacy Email Signature Blocks below.

IWD Advocacy Email Signature Block

IWD Advocacy Email Signature Block

IWD Advocacy Email Signature Block

IWD Advocacy Email Signature Block

IWD Advocacy Email Signature Block

IWD Advocacy Email Signature Block

IWD Advocacy Email Signature Block

IWD Advocacy Email Signature Block

IWD Advocacy Email Signature Block

IWD Advocacy Email Signature Block

Inspired to create your own IWD Advocacy Email Signature Block, share it with us.



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