International Women's Day is the biggest employee engagement day of the year

The focus on women's advancement doesn't begin nor end on March 8th, International Women's Day (IWD). Nor can action embracing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) be limited to just one day.

IWD, however, does provide a significant and important moment for organizations to:

  • amplify and reinforce their commitment to women's advancement
  • highlight key steps being taken and reflect on the impact
  • identify further areas for action
  • celebrate women's achievements.

IWD is a pillar for progress and change

Many leaders, employees, customers, students and community stakeholders worldwide seek to live in a world where women:

  • are treated equally
  • enjoy opportunities of leadership
  • can be safe, healthy, and economically advantaged
  • receive equal rights, opportunities, and access

People worldwide want equality, fairness and justice for women. Women themselves want better outcomes for their work, their families, their life. Many people desire a better future for girls.

Progressive organizations can significantly help forge this vision - a meaningful vision that resonates deeply with employees.

How does your employer mark IWD?

Worldwide, prime employers for women appreciate that IWD is a day of celebration, accountability, and reinforcement.

Prime employers for women mark IWD through events, speeches, resources, supplier diversity, charitable donations, and community support. For IWD, they applaud their women and they check in and report upon progress made towards equality.

IWD collaborations support employers

A number of long-term formal IWD collaborations see key organizations supporting employers committed to recruiting, retaining, developing, and advancing women's talent. 

  • Lean In helps women achieve their ambitions and helps companies build inclusive workplaces where women of all identities are supported and empowered. Learn more.
  • Where Women Work celebrates the achievements of women in the workplace and shines a spotlight on  progressive employers supporting them. Learn more.
  • Catalyst is supported by many of the world’s most powerful CEOs and leading companies to help build workplaces that work for women. Learn more.

Join the IWD Partnerships community

Progressive employers can show their commitment to women's equality through participating in the IWD Partnership community.

Learn more about IWD collaborative partnership opportunities on offer.

IWD employer activity

IWD corporate events

IWD sponsorships

IWD Toolkit

Join the global IWD Community