Rwanda Art Museum holds three month #EachforEqual exhibition featuring women artists

 May 19, 2020

In celebration of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) International Museum Day, the Institute of National Museums of Rwanda launched a virtual celebration marked by an exhibition by the Rwanda Museum of Art. The exhibition, Messages from Rwandan Women Artists: #EACHFOREQUAL  in 2020 reinforced the need for equality through diversity and inclusion - and was a collaboration with the Goethe Institut.

The three month exhibition aligned with the museum's overall vision to preserve past treasures for tomorrow's generation and to cherish Rwandan heritage, while also celebrating the International Women's Day year-long former theme of #EachforEqual.

The exhibition showcased the work of living and deceased female Rwandan visual artists, as well as international women artists living and working in Rwanda.

Museums For Equality - Museums Day

Showcasing the work of women artists

Rwanda Art Museum curator, Chantal Umuhoza, opened the exhibition that saw women artists explaining the inspiration and meaning behind their artwork.

The #EachforEqual exhibition featured the work of over 30 women artisist. 

Rwanda Art Museum curator: Chantal Umuhoza

Image: Rwanda Art Museum curator, Chantal Umuhoza opened the #EachforEqual Exhibition of women's art

Greater visibility for women artists and their thoughts

Rwanda Art Museum - Jemima Kakizi

Image: Rwandan creative composer, Jemima Kakizi, is passionate about change within society.

Jemima Kakizi, one of the women artist exhibitors, was excited to be part of the event and was pleased the women artists could gain further visibility and express their thoughts for the public to learn from. Jemima is known for her passion in bringing about change in society.

“I believe that since we are the ones who understand, better than anyone else, issues that affect women in our daily lives, we have to address them and work together to find solutions. We are the ones who have to tell our stories and find solutions as women. It matters who tells our story and when our work inspires you, it’s important that you say it out loud and let everyone know that we are here and are making a difference. No one should erase the work of women,” she said.

“There are many subjects that people rarely talk about or open up about, yet they are important be-cause they play a big role in improving social conditions,” she added.

Artist Ilibagiza Nyirankuriza features art with impact

Ilibagiza Nyirankuriza featured two artworks: Umurage w’ibihangange and also Womanificent.

Rwanda Art Museum Ilibagiza Nyirankuriza artist

Image: Artist Ilibagiza Nyirankuriza exhibts her work at the Rwanda Art Museum.

Artist Cindi Cassady inspires through colorful creations

Artist Cindi Cassady exhibited three pieces: L’amourd’une Mère; Née de la Lumière; Naissance.

Rwanda Art Museum women artist: Cindi Cassady

Image: Artworks by Cindi Cassady.

Providing a platform for Rwandan women artists

Rwanda - Kalinda Brendah

Image: Rwanda's Kalinda Brendah

Government Outreach Officer and Journalist, Kalinda Brendah, shared her gratitude on social media for Rwanda Museums creating and providing such an important platform for women in the Arts and she gave a special shout out to all the talented and amazing women sharing their work in the exhibition. Kalindah also openly alluded to the sheer beauty of the many powerful stories behind the artworks themselves.

Rwanda Art Museum has a range of contemporary art

Rwanda Art Museum - women artists exhibition - eachforequal

Image: Rwanda Art Museum

Rwanda Art Museum is the country’s sole museum of contemporary art and displays artworks produced by both Rwandan and international artists. The Rwanda Art Museum provides insight into the originality of Rwandan creativity, arts development from historic periods through to traditional modern imaginations.

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