Show your #ChooseToChallenge IWD 2021 street art to the world

 November 04, 2020

International Women's Day Street Art Collective (IWDSAC) is a worldwide awareness raising initiative. It forms part of the Women Creatives Mission that aims to celebrate the work of women creatives and elevate visibility for commercial projects and commissions.

Each year an IWD campaign theme is supported around the world. The IWD 2021 campaign theme is #ChooseToChallenge with its hand raised gesture that signifies solidarity in choosing to challenge and call out gender bias, stereoptyping and discrimination.

Activity is collaboratively spearheaded with Australia-based street artist Ms Snaps and her International Women's Crew (IWC) and further all-female crews around the world.

Support and be supported

IWD street art - Choose To Challenge - Ms Snaps

Female street artists around the world are invited to be part of IWDSAC and their work featured across the International Women's Day website and social media platforms. To participate, crews or individuals are invited to submit photographs or videos of their #ChooseToChallenge creatiion.

While creative interpretation supporting the IWD 2021 theme is broad, creations might feature a person/people adopting the #ChooseToChallenge pose - with inclusion of the #ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021 hashtags encouraged. Use of the IWD logo is optional. Additionally, further creations solely featuring the #ChooseToChallenge hashtag (as pictured above) are also welcome.

Sophy Robson IWD

Sophy Robson paints murals with a strong message in a bold and feminine style. "I like to think about the community where I’m painting and how they will feel seeing the artwork. I also like to work with social organisations to make graffiti an inclusive activity which more overlooked groups can take part in. I've organised events for International Women’s Day and run the popular Leake Street Live Graffiti Workshop programme at Leake Street Arches," says Sophy Robson whose #ChooseToChallenge visual art is featured above.

Submissions open

IWD streetart Ms Snaps

Creations are invited and submissions are encouraged with:

  • approx 1:22 aspect ratio (landscape) photograph of the creation (if possible, a good amount of background surrounding the piece shows location/activity context)
  • 250 word artist/crew bio with weblink
  • Crew or individual logo/tag (if applicable)
  • short statement allowing image use on IWD website and social media platforms

As background, read about the IWD 2020 #EachforEqual street art activity.

We look forward to receiving images and videos of #ChooseToChallenge creations from around the world.

Supporting women artists

Around the world, a range of support is needed by street art crews and individual artists such as funding, paint and wall space. To explore interest in donating important funding, paint or wall space directly to IWDSAC crews or individual artists, please step forward and make contact as soon as possible.

And, for street art crews and individual artists seeking funding, paint or wall space, download the template letter for applying directly to relevant companies and local agencies for funding and further resources to support participation in IWDSAC. 

IWD street art - MsYellow - International Women's Crew

Ms Yellow, International Women's Crew

IWD street art - International Women's Crew paint jam

International Women's Crew

IWD Event Packs orders
IWD Toolkit

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