Spoken word poets, use your voice to help #BreakTheBias
January 22, 2022
Spoken word poetry is a powerful medium for social change.
You're invited to use your skills and talent to create an IWD 2022 #BreakTheBias spoken word poem.
The IWD 2022 theme is #BreakTheBias and spoken word poets worldwide are invited to perform their creation and share it with the world.
Promote your piece across social media and share it on YouTube.
Let us know more about you and your piece.
A #BreakTheBias poem by spoken word poet Anisa Nandaula
Anisa is a recognized spoken word poet, comedian, play writer, educator and published author.
Learn more about Anisa.
A #BreakTheBias poem by spoken word poet Sharena Lee Satti
She is a very passionate poet who writes poetry about her own personal life, current environmental issues, social stigmas, homelessness, poverty and discrimination. She speaks openly about her past and the struggles she had to endure. She found her voice and encourages others to find theirs through poetry and self-expression.
Learn more about Sharena.
What's your message?

Spoken word poetry can touch the soul and transcend physical traits to connect us on a deeply emotional level.
There's extreme beauty and power in this form of art.

Keen to create and perform your own poem?
Send it in!