Cause-related creativity: Share your amazing illustrator skills to help #BreakTheBias

 February 08, 2022

Here's a call out to all the amazingly talented illustrators worldwide!

Are you keen to help spread positive message for International Women's Day and beyond?

Want to raise your visibility through aligning with a great cause?

Keen to show solidarity in helping progress women's equality? 

Cause-related creativity

IWD 2022 theme BreakTheBias resources

We like to call it cause-related creativity - the opportunity to help power positive messaging through creativity.

It's a win / win scenario as creatives worldwide work to help promote the #BreakTheBias call-to-action across their communities, while showcasing their brilliant talent and creative design skills.

Your work is art.

Your work is powerful.

Your work is exciting.

Your work has impact.

In fact is it really 'work' ... Enjoy what you do, and you'll never have to work a day in your life!

Get recognized and commissioned for your brilliant talent

What will your #BreakTheBias illustration look like?

BreakTheBias toolkit

Illustrate for the world

Want to create your own amazing #BreakTheBias illustration and proudly present it to the world?

Post your illsutration directly to social media.

And make your mark through an important contribution supporting the International Women's Day #BreakTheBias campaign. Help forge positive change for women.

Together, let's all #BreakTheBias.


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