Combining a career of creativity and engineering, this mother of two helps #BreakTheBias

 February 11, 2022

Here's a great #BreakTheBias typography creation from Monika Fällman from Stockholm.

Monika is a calligraphy lover, engineer, and mother of two children.

"I'm easily obsessed with all kinds of small creative stuff, especially things that involve paper," says Monika.

Watch how Monika created her brilliant contribution. "This is my contribution for International Women's Day 2022, which collaborates with Typism for this lettering challenge. An hour's work compressed into a minute," says Monika.

Inspired by Italic script

IWD Monika Fallman typography

She loves creating things with her hands, especially paper crafts - and calligraphy of course!

When she was about 13-14 years old, she was inspired by Italic script and especially the possibility of flourishing the letters. She got her hands on a Speedball textbook and started writing mainly Italics with broad edge nibs.

A joyful celebration of a passion for lettering

Her specialty now is illuminated letters, and her Instagram feed is a joyful celebration of her passion for lettering and illumination.

Monika finds inspiration in history as well as in more modern looking calligraphy and likes combining styles in unexpected ways.

The main driving force for her is to constantly try new ideas and approaches and see where it leads her.

Working as a full-time as an engineer

IWD Monika Fallman typography

Monika lives in Stockholm in Sweden with her two teenage kids.

She holds a Master of Science and Technical Licentiate in Fluid mechanics (which is a halfway doctoral degree in Sweden) and works full-time as an engineer.

Can we promote you and your typography talent?

Ready to embark on your own #BreakTheBias typography creation? Create your own fabulous #BreakTheBias typography piece and let us show it to the world.

Highlight your talent and passion, while helping to forge positive messaging that can help contribute to forging a more positive world for women.

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