Access LinkedIn Learning #BreakTheBias resources to plan your IWD event or activity
February 22, 2022
Looking for insightful resources to help plan your International Women's Day (IWD) event or activity?
The IWD #BreakTheBias theme spotlights the challenges that women continue to face in the journey toward equity.
But what is bias? And how can you help others best understand it? How does bias play out, and what are the different types of bias? And what can we do to tackle it?
Access the IWD LinkedIn Learning resources
LinkedIn Learning has developed a highly informative, self-paced IWD LinkedIn Learning resource that sees a compilation of content about diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) topics that teach how to address and break biases that continue to hold women back from reaching their full potential.
The IWD LinkedIn Learning resources emphasize how women can find their voice and how allyship is integral to supporting and elevating underrepresented groups. Let’s all do our part to #BreakTheBias by learning about the realities of racism, microaggression, and discrimination.
A great range of topics are covered
The IWD LinkedIn Learning resource covers important topics including:
- Break the Bias: Commit to Action
To break the bias women continue to experience, we need to understand what it is and how it shows up in our decisions and actions. The adverse effects of bias are harmful to individuals as well as organizations. Learn about the pervasiveness of bias and how we can all come together and collectively reduce discrimination in all aspects of our lives.
- Valuing Intersectionality: Challenge Societal Labels
It's essential to challenge societal labels to differentiate and identify people or groups. Labeling can be incredibly destructive to individuals, organizations, and communities. Only through understanding and valuing intersectionality, will we break the bias women and colleagues alike continue to experience.
- Women's Voices: Setting the Stage for Equity
The state of women in the workplace hangs in the balance. Women continue to face barriers to opportunities in today's workplace, making it an uneven playing field. The path forward is clear: we need to first recognize how and why this is still occurring, create a workplace where all women feel valued, and elevate women's voices.
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Understand the Importance and Differences
Amplify and reinforce your commitment by learning the differences between diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Break the bias, drive change, and advocate for a healthier workplace where everyone feels a strong sense of self-worth.
- Allyship: Closing the Gap between Recognition and Action
How do we create a world where everyone is afforded the same opportunities and feels safe to speak up without retaliation? How do we get there? Allyship is the first step. Learn what it means to be an ally and commit to creating a culture of accountability and belonging.
- Cultural Diversity: Why It Is an Imperative
Understand the value of cultural diversity and upskill your cultural competence as organizations make cultural diversity a core priority. Embracing cultural diversity creates space for women, and all employees, to feel comfortable bringing their unique ideas, perspectives, and experiences to the table.
Plus the IWD LinkedIn Learning resources are available in multiple languages:
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- French
- German
- Japanese
- Mandarin
Interested in some fascinating gender insights?
Access LinkedIn's Gender Insights Report that's packed with loads of interesting information and statistics. For example, did you know that when looking at female and male candidates on LinkedIn, recruiters are 13% less likely to click on a woman’s profile when she shows up in search?
Review the insightful LinkedIn Gender Insights Report.

The McKinsey Podcast episode "The state of burnout for women in the workplace" cited that "for every 100 men who leap forward, only 86 women do. And while that difference might feel small because it’s happening at the very start of careers, it’s amplified across huge numbers. And what it means is that women’s career progression is slowed down right out of the gate, and they never have that opportunity to catch up."