LinkedIn's #FlexibleIs campaign creates a fairer world of work for women

 April 27, 2022

LinkedIn launched #FlexibleIs, a global, integrated campaign running across the UK, France, Germany, Australia and India, which highlights the importance of flexibility in creating a fairer world of work and keeping women in employment.


Break the bias around career flexibility

As part of LinkedIn’s commitment to create a more equitable world of work for women following its global partnership with International Women’s Day, the campaign aims to break biases around career flexibility, and showcases how flexibility means different things to different professionals. The campaign leads with an emotive film showcasing inspirational stories from people across the globe, highlighting what flexibility means to them, and encourages open and honest conversations about the pressures professionals face every day.

The film, directed by Anne Hollowday, takes viewers on a journey to meet members and offers a glimpse into just how crucial flexibility is right now.

Bringing together influencers, creators and the community

LinkedIn #FlexibleIs

The campaign sees LinkedIn bring together influencers, creators, and the community to share what flexible working really means to them, and how it has supported their careers using the #FlexibleIs hashtag. LinkedIn recently introduced a new career break option, giving members a new way to reflect breaks from work on their LinkedIn profile and normalise flexible careers.

Creating a global conversation about why flexibility matters

The launch comes as data continues to show the disproportionate impact the pandemic has had on women. Globally, women’s employment declined by 4.2% during the pandemic, representing a drop of 54 million jobs, while men’s employment declined by 3%. New research from LinkedIn of nearly 23,000 people across the globe finds 55% of women say they have either left their job or considered leaving their job due to a lack of flexibility. Data from LinkedIn shows women are 24% more likely to apply for remote roles, underscoring the importance of flexibility in making workplaces equitable.

Ngaire Moyesvice president, communications and brand, international, at LinkedIn said: “The pandemic brought a revolution in flexible working. And now many professionals, particularly women, rightly don’t want to go back to the way things were as it has improved their lives in untold ways. Our study finds over half of women have either left their job or considered leaving because of a lack of flexibility. Yet misconceptions and biases remain around flexible work. Through LinkedIn’s new marketing campaign, #FlexibleIs, we are bringing the LinkedIn community together to create a global conversation and raise awareness about why flexibility matters, what it means to people and how it can benefit employers – and in doing so we hope to further normalise flexibility at work.

Making the world of work fairer for all

Nicky Vitahead of planning, VCCP, said: “LinkedIn’s global research proves just how important flexibility is to working women, but also how strong the stigma around it is, which can negatively impact women’s careers. With the pandemic forcing big changes to where we work, there has never been a more critical time to shine a light on all the forms of flexibility that are crucial to making the world of work fairer for all. With this launch, we’re calling on the LinkedIn community to open up about how flexible working improves their lives, from students to mums and dads, to people who have a hustle on the side. #FlexibleIs celebrates true flexibility, in all its forms, for everyone.”

Supporting flexibility and inclusivity in the workplace

LinkedIn is also offering free courses to help support flexibility and inclusivity in the workplace, with LinkedIn Learning courses available on Negotiating Work FlexibilityPreparing Your Family Leave and Return and Inclusive Female Leadership

Join the conversation on LinkedIn using the #FlexibleIs hashtag.

LinkedIn commissioned Censuswide to survey 22,995 workers in the US, UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Brazil, Italy, Sweden, Netherlands, Australia, Austria, Switzerland, Singapore, Canada, India, Spain, UAE, KSA, Brazil and Mexico during 21.01.2022 to 08.02.2022. Censuswide abides by and employs members of the Market Research Society which is based on the ESOMAR principles.


PARTNER CONTENT: Developed in collaboration to support IWD's Women and Work Mission.


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