HubSpot's CX Spotlight events featured female marketing, sales & customer service experts

 May 25, 2022

A significant challenge can be to provide outstanding customer experience (CX) across the whole customer lifecycle. To mark International Women's Day, HubSpot hosted CX Spotlight - an engaging series of events dedicated to leading women in the digital industry. The thoughts and achievements of CXS women were highlighted at the events, which were held in English, Spanish, German, and Japanese.

UK's CXSwomen event

HubSpot CX Spotlight women - Spain

The UK event saw customer experience leaders Rebecca Brown, Founder & Lead Consultant of Think Wow, and also Debbie Forster, Tech Talent Charter CEO, provide insight into today's CX landscape. The women discussed how to remove friction from customer experience, and how best to market, sell and service audiences. Four unique events worldwide placed impressive women leaders in the spotlight. The speakers looked at the state of customer experience and its relationship with diversity, inclusion and belonging. They also discussed why having more women in CX leadership could hold the key to more successful and balanced work environments. Further discussion focused on what businesses can do to make a genuine start on forging diversity and  inclusion. 

Debbie opened the event, followed by Rebecca’s speech which looked at the fact that with women making up two-thirds of the customer service workforce, but less than half of customer leadership positions are going to women, there is a clear problem with diversity that needs to be addressed. 

Rebecca’s presentation highlighted the negative impact that a lack of female leadership in CX could have on te customer experience landscape. She also spoke about why achieving more women in CX leadership could hold the key to more successful and balanced work environments, and what businesses can do today to make a genuine start on being more diverse.

When speaking about the talent gap in tech, Debbie said, “I used to talk about that being in the tech talent charter we’re showing that doing the right thing is actually the smart thing for business. If I roll forward to 2022 I go further. This is not just the smart thing to do, it’s a stupid thing not to do. Companies who understand this are moving ahead, those that don’t are falling behind.”

Looking at why we need more women in CX, Rebecca explained: “With customer experience predicted to overtake price and product as a key market differentiator, and almost all businesses actively working on their customer experience reporting an increase in revenue, it’s clear that there has never been a better time to invest in your CX.”

“Significantly fewer than 50% of CX leaders are women, and I think that’s a problem," she continued.

“According to research women more frequently possess certain characteristics that make them particularly suited to take leadership roles in an organization's CX arena. Attributes such as an increased ability to empathize, reduced levels of natural aggression, and a greater sense of connectedness are all shown to be more prevalent in women. To have a truly representative function, surely we need to have as much balance as possible?” said Rebecca. 

Looking forward, Rebecca asked what can we do to end gender disparity in CX leadership. 

“By identifying that we don’t have enough women in CX leadership, the answer isn’t to just simply hire more women...What we need to do is make it easier for more women to stay in work, make progression a viable opportunity for more women, and remove barriers that have so many women leaving work all together, before they ever get the opportunity to climb up the ladder and take with them all that vital insight that they’ve gathered along the way.”

HubSpot CSXwomen

Watch the full recording here.

CXSwomen event in Spanish

Regardless of their size, the biggest challenge for businesses today is delivering an exceptional customer experience that facilitates every touch point in the buying journey. Reducing these frictions and aligning teams within organizations has a significant impact, both on brand perception and revenue generation. A positive customer experience promotes loyalty, which helps retain customers and attract new prospects. At the CX Spotlight event, the marketing, sales and customer service experts shared their knowledge about the Customer Experience and discussed good practice for how companies can implement customer-centric strategies with much more humanized digital communication.

The event saw many talented women speakers.

HubSpot CX Spotlight women - Spain

Watch the full recording here.

CXSwomen event in German

The CXSwomen event focused on a range of topics including: One brand, one customer experience; Creating life-changing products for women; Increasing customer loyalty through data-driven redesign; Personalization of sales.

The event saw many talented women speakers.

HubSpot CX Spotlight women - Germany

The free audio event is open to everyone. Listen to CXS episodes on the podcast platform of your choice - wherever and whenever you want.

CXSwomen event in Japanese

The CX Spotlight event focused on what companies can do to get to know customers better and to build relationships of trust. The event saw key experts who  are active in fast-growing companies introduce their thoughts on what organizations and businesses can achieve success. They also discussed initiatives they have put into practice, outlining the impact of their effects.

The event saw many talented women speakers.

HubSpot CX Spotlight women - Japan

Access the full recording here.


PARTNER CONTENT: Developed in collaboration to support IWD's Women and Work Mission.


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