Taking charge of getting the career you want and deserve

At the start of any year your social media feed is most likely littered with declarations of ‘new year, new me’. You feel it – the stirring of change and the drive to shake off the old and embrace the new. And there’s no better way to embrace fresh beginnings, than embarking on a new career direction.

But how do you go about landing your dream role? Here are 9 popular tips for securing your dream job.

1. Be prepared 

‘Being prepared’ means planning your job application process strategically, way before you start looking. Avoid the common mistake of going into the hunt blindly, sending your resume out to tens, if not hundreds, of postings and getting overwhelmed. Fully consider the career path you want to go down, and pinpoint where, who, and what you want to apply for. Adopting a mixture of both proactive (finding job postings yourself) and reactive (applying to jobs advertised) job hunts can stand you in good stead.

2. Ensure your documents are in top shape

While you may believe you could be the best candidate for the role, will your potential employer feel the same based on your supporting documents? Ensure your cover letter, resume, and any internal job application questions are succinct and relevant to the role. Obviously, proof-reading for any potential grammar and spelling mistakes is a must. You're selling yourself, and this is the first chance you’re getting to showcase how great you are!

3. Don’t be deterred if you don’t fit the brief fully

Found your dream role, but don’t tick every box in the job description? Feel the fear and choose whether you want to apply anyway. According to a Linkedin Gender Insights Report, female professionals only apply to jobs if they are 100 per cent qualified, as opposed to men who will apply if they fit the criteria by 60%. So be determined, promote your worth, and showcase how you have the drive and determination to tick all the boxes once on the job.

4. Research, research, research 

While it's key to research well ahead of the job interview, it's also important ahead of the application process. Researching the organization extensively, and the potential line manager, and making a follow-up call post application can certainly show initiative and interest. Got the job interview booked? As the saying goes, 'failing to prepare, is preparing to fail.' It may seem obvious, but going into the job interview, whether face-to-face or virtual, armed with knowledge of the job role, organization, and immediate staff members you could be working with, not only shows enthusiasm for the role but can help calm those nerves with confidence in knowing you won’t be caught on the back foot.

5. Be your biggest fan, but don’t make it about you

Reached the job interview stage? Now’s the time to truly shine. By being asked to attend a job interview, your potential interviewer will already be willing to employ you ‘on paper.’ The interview stage is all about deciding which candidates might best fit the organization. So sell yourself, and your attributes, and be the best version of you. Ensure, however, that you not only focus on why you'd be great for the job, but also what you can achieve for the organization. This is where differentiating your strengths, achievements, and skills can truly come into play. 

6. Thrive on questions

Often one of the most dreaded stages of any interview, the question section, should in fact be used to your advantage. It’s your chance to determine whether the employer is right for you, and also to delve deeper into the organization, what their expectations are of you, and any further questions you may feel are relevant. Don’t sing off the same hymn sheet as everyone else, ask the questions you really want to know.

7. Follow-up with a communication

Interview done? Now it's time to follow up. By contacting your interviewer and potential line manager post the job interview meeting, you’re reinforcing and showcasing your determination, enthusiasm for the role, and a drive to succeed. Thanking your interviewer for the chance to showcase your skills is a great way to start building a good relationship, and the further contact can certainly help make you more memorable among other candidates.

8. Know your worth

Congratulations! You've been offered the job. Now it’s time to negotiate. If you haven’t already specified a salary, now is the time to drill down and ensure you are paid what you are worth. Research salaries for comparable roles to assess and determine what you think you're worth. Pitched with an unsatisfactory offer? Don’t be afraid to challenge it, but be fair, and ensure you’re armed with research as to why.

9. Be a lifelong learner

You may have landed your dream role, but the learning never stops. Whatever stage of your career you’re in, there’s always a chance to key learning new skills, adapt to new career avenues, and embrace unexpected journeys. Showing willingness and enthusiasm for any learning or skill development will stand you in good stead when promotions or new job opportunities arise.

Excited and eager to take on a new role?

Check out some of these prime employers for women and start your new career journey today! 


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