Draw upon your creative spirit to support the call-to-action to #EmbraceEquity

 January 24, 2023

Inspired by creativity for a cause?

Whether global or grassroots, creativity can be such a powerful channel for change.

Creative projects can elevate and amplify key messaging. They can fuel and inspire awareness about key issues. And they can connect audiences and communities.

Want to showcase your creativity to the world and support the call to #EmbraceEquity?

It's time to showcase your creativity

Worldwide, the invitation is open for women creatives to celebrate their talent while calling for the world to #EmbraceEquity

Whether your creative passion is in spoken word poetry, street art, rap, typography, dance or further - there's an opportunity for everyone to get involved. 

Here's an example of how GILRSofGRIME set about to create their own #EmbraceEquity rap featuring an all-female line-up of talented rappers. 

And check out many examples of how women creatives have used their talent to amplify the IWD theme over past years.

Get creative in supporting the call to forge an equal world

EmbraceEquity Lettering Challenge

Lettering artists worldwide - novice or experienced - are invited to post their lettering creations on social media with the aim of showing solidarity in calling on communities to help challenge gender inequality and #EmbraceEquity.

To participate in the IWDTypism Challenge, post your Embrace Equity lettering creation on social media using the hashtags: #IWDtypism #EmbraceEquity #IWD2023

Anyone anywhere can participate. All efforts are valid. That's what makes IWD so inclusive.

Promote your IWD creative project

Share your own IWD 2023 creative project - as varied as it may be - across your social media feeds using the hashtags #IWD2023 #EmbraceEquity.

Plus feel free to send through weblinks showing your published #EmbraceEquity creative project, for potential inclusion on the IWD website and promotion across the IWD social media feeds.  


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