Spoken word poet Sharena Lee Satti passionately calls to #EmbraceEquity

 February 25, 2023

Everyone everywhere can #EmbraceEquity if they understand and believe we are all different, and we haven't all started from the same place.

Everyone everywhere can challenge what's wrong and call it out, and choose to live a life embracing equity.

Everyone everywhere can help change the world in some way, somewhere.

Spoken word poet Sharena Lee Satti embraces equity

One of the biggest strengths of International Women's Day (IWD) is that it's truly inclusive.

As such, groups and individuals worldwide step forward to help raise awareness and inspire others into positive action.

Year after year, March 8 sees a global movement of collective action.

IWD activity comes from anywhere and everywhere.

From grassroots activity and individual reflection that impacts self-action, through to massive widespread waves of motion.

Engaging and mobilizing communities

From delivering commissioned poignant thought-provoking impactful poetry to her work being inscribed on park benches, Sharena Lee Satti is a highly talented and accomplished spoken word poet.

Residing in the UK but harnessing a significant global community of advocates, Sharena's real and raw poetry draws upon her own life experiences, struggles, cultural identity, and upbringing to help influence change in the lives of others.

Sharena respectfully and authentically addresses themes that can be difficult to talk about but which express a genuine vulnerability that creates the opportunity for others to also accept and address their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Locally, Sharena is a well-known figure in the UK's thriving Bradford cultural scene. She has been celebrated as a Bradford Yorkshire Champion and lauded as one of 21 people selected in 2021 making a significant impact on Bradford’s cultural scene. A UK National Diversity Award nominee, Sharena also dabbles in radio presenting. She was announced as a ChangeMaker by The Leap, a creative people and places program focusing on community-led culture. Sharena also founded non-profit community-based organization, Spoke, that works to raise the profile of spoken word and poetry. Spoke brings together emerging and established poets and performance artists to reach new people and places with poetry and spoken word - delivering spoken word workshops in various settings across education, rehabilitation, and corporate sectors. Spoke also hosts poetry and spoken word events throughout the year and offer open-mic events that provide people with an opportunity to showcase their work in a safe space – running non-profit events in a nomadic style - from different locations. Sharena's impactful poetry is widely featured, for example recently in Unbound's published 100 Voices, 100 Women Share Their Stories of Achievement.

Enjoy Sharena Lee Satti's incredible work, and reach out to her for performances, commissions, workshops, and more.

Embrace Equity by Sharena Lee Satti

We are one
We enter life from a tunnel of Silence
Of Darkness
Leaving the comfort of our mother's wombs
Our screams of Innocence that fill the walls of our birth room
We are born into a world from the same portal of life
And no life is more alive than any life that is born
We are born as naked as our souls
As pure as our hearts
As innocent as our screams
So why are the lives of some branded and seen 
As more or less of a human being
Than any other life
From innocense we are born
We are the seed from one root that grows
In different directions
Dancing in different seasons
Seasoned by the environment we thrive in
Or hide in
Not feeling appreciated at the tables we are trying to survive in
Brown eyes should be looked upon the same as one's blue
And one's blue shouldn't reflect that two colors effect 
How the two of us are viewed
Our skin shouldn't be a portal to a checklist
That fits a failing system
But a system that sees through
In between the cracks of how marginalized and unrepresented
Some are forced to live through
Equity starts With me
And with you
Challenging the wrong
And following it right through
Equality has to start grounded from our roots
The soil we live in has to be soil we weave our dreams into 
Our voices have to be the voice of reason
In every breath we breathe in
In every strand of light, weaved into every morning of every season
We have to all come together to embrace the change
To eradicate the hate
The inequality that plays
In a system we want to change
It starts with us
With showing kindness and love
That love that comes from within
If we can feel it
We can breathe it
It can pour from our energy like waves of electricity
To erase any discrimination or toxicity
We can do this
We have got this
Together we can fight this 
And embrace the arms of equity
Working collectively
As one

Looking for impact for your IWD event? 

Sharena comes so very highly recommended. Her impactful messaging contributes a significant element for IWD events.

Contact Sharena or follow her here

Share your own #EmbraceEquity creation with the world

Send in your own #EmbraceEquity creation, so it may be promoted worldwide as part of the collective unity that is IWD. 


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