Seeking equity for rural women, their families, and communities

 March 07, 2023

Rural Women New Zealand (RWNZ) is an integral part of New Zealand’s rural landscape. From its early days as the Women’s Division of the Farmer’s Union in 1925, RWNZ has become an authoritative voice on health services, education, environment and social issues in the rural sector.

For International Women's Day (IWD), RWNZ is celebrating and promoting the achievements of pioneering rural women in New Zealand. 

Seeking equity for rural women, their families, and communities

The organization’s national president, Gill Naylor, says that recognizing the global contributions of women and the part RWNZ plays in those contributions each year is an important day on their calendar.

“This year’s theme of Embracing Equity particularly resonates deeply with RWNZ. As an organization, RWNZ has been seeking equity for rural women, their family and communities including access to health services, educational resources and social inclusion since the organization's inception,” says Gill.

Using IWD as a reminder to focus on achievements and goals

IWD Rural Women New Zealand

Gill explains that, although the expression of issues facing rural communities may appear differently today, there are still parallels in the underlying challenges rural women continue to face.

“For example, the issues of rural isolation and connection are not necessarily focused just on physical access but also about a lack of connectivity in a world moving increasingly towards digital information and opportunities. The devastation caused by the recent cyclone and flooding have created yet another level of complexity regarding issues of isolation and access to communication and services experienced by many rural families," comments Gill.

RWNZ mission to strengthen, support and connect people and communities through its charitable and policy work, encouragement of entrepreneurial rural businesswomen and as a strong rural voice lies at the heart of creating and embracing equity in Aotearoa New Zealand. International Women’s Day provides an excellent reminder to take stock and celebrate what has been achieved and focus us on our goals for the future," adds Gill.




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