Typographer Kim Burke uses Procreate to design her #EmbraceEquity creation

 March 22, 2023

Meet Kim Burke, a graphic designer, visual artist, and owner of Beautility Design Co - a small studio specializing in bespoke design solutions that combine form and functionality.

Kim is one of the many talented women who responded to the call-out for entries to the IWD x Typism annual Lettering Challenge. Kim showed her support for the IWD Women Creatives Mission by creating unique artwork that celebrates the IWD 2023 #EmbraceEquity campaign theme.

"Today is International Women's Day and I can’t let the day go by without sharing some good news! This lettering piece is being featured along with work from other incredible lettering artists for the IWD TYPISM Lettering Challenge. The theme this year is #EmbraceEquity and as a woman, wife, mother, and designer, I’m honored to be able contribute and help bring awareness," said Kim to her Instagram followers.

Kim accompanied the post with an inspiring quote from Paula Dressel of the Race Matters Institute that defines equity: “The route to achieving equity will not be accomplished through treating everyone equally. It will be achieved by treating everyone justly according to their circumstances."

Watch the video of how Kim created her fabulous design here.

Kim discusses her #EmbraceEquity design, created digitally from start to finish using Procreate on her iPad, and she explains what International Women's Day and the Embrace Equity campaign theme mean to her. 

Celebrating past and future equity progress

When Kim saw the 2023 International Women’s Day theme, she knew she wanted to visually represent the concept of "embrace" in a fun and uplifting way. Kim thought of a smiling sun squeezing the phrase's letters in a big hug.

"I made each letter unique as a nod to all the different types of individuals living and working together under that same sun. I thought a retro style could be a way to look back and celebrate how far we’ve come but also serve as a reminder that there is still work to be done to ensure everyone is treated equitably," explains Kim.

Giving everyone an equitable opportunity to be heard

For Kim, #EmbraceEquity means that everyone comes to the table with unique experiences and abilities. Kim believes it is "vitally important" to make room for everyone at the table and do the necessary work to ensure everyone is given an equitable opportunity for their individual stories to be seen and heard.

"It is more than simply treating everyone the same. It intentionally provides the necessary opportunities and platforms based on individual needs," adds Kim.

Kim loves that International Women's Day enables people to celebrate the unique accomplishments of women while providing a platform for women’s voices.

However, although we have come far in terms of equity, Kim adds: "Work is still to be done."

Balancing her career with family responsibilities 

Kim has felt the "strain and burden" of balancing her career work and aspirations as an artist with her responsibilities as a wife and mother.

"I constantly have to choose between working towards my career goals or working for my family at any moment. I think it is possible and admirable to be a successful artist, wife, and mother, and I wish it didn’t have to feel like such a fight or like one part of my life must be sacrificed to make progress in another," explains Kim.

"While it is getting better, and women have made significant professional strides without sacrificing family, it seems like there is still work to be done for both genders to share in the responsibilities and make room for women to reach their full potential in all areas of life," adds Kim.



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