Inspire Inclusion Art Show celebrates women's inclusion in society, family, business and culture

ERA NOW (Equal Rights Association), Arts for Vets, and the Women's Fund (Community Foundation of Grand Forks, East Grand Forks & Region) are hosting an exciting Art Show in honor of International Women's Day (IWD). 

"We want to celebrate and recognize the art, design and imagery that amplify our causes and movements to make our world more equal and joyful," encouraged ERA NOW.  

Taking place in Grand Forks, a city in North Dakota, USA, the Art Show supports the IWD 2024 #InspireInclusion campaign by inviting artists to submit their work for potential inclusion.

The Art Show is a month-long celebration of women’s contributions in all sectors of society, family, business, and culture, starting with an opening reception on IWD itself, March 8.

Some of the proceeds from the sale of the artwork during the show will help support the missions of ERA NOW, Arts for Vets, and the Women's Fund.

Supporting and advancing women 

ERA NOW fights forward rather than backward for women's rights to life, liberty, and happiness in America. ERA NOW hosts educational events, supports pro-women candidates, and participates in female forward actions.

Arts for Vets is a group of veterans, military, family members and Grand Forks community members who create great art and events.

Women's Fund is a component fund of the Community Foundation of Grand Forks, East Grand Forks and Region.

ERA NOW - IWD - womensfund

Support the IWD #InspireInclusion Art Show

The groups are calling for artistic submissions.

"The 2024 IWD theme is Inspire Inclusion and artists are invited to consider information provided by IWD as they submit works for this show," said ERA NOW.

"When we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion in all sectors of society, family, business and culture, we forge a better world. And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there's a sense of belonging, relevance, empowerment, and conscious acknowledgement of all the contributions women give to make the world a better place," they cited.

Find out more

ERA NOW - IWD - womensfund

All mediums are accepted for the showcase, and there is no fee for artists to submit an entry. 

Artworks up to 48 x 60 x 2 feet (canvas/frame/fiber) and 3 x 8 x3 feet (sculpture) are accepted.

A committee comprised of artists and art appreciators with representation from all three hosting organizations are poised to select the artwork for the show. 

internationalwomensday - InspireInclusion women artists Dakota




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