Asmat Syed

Eating for Health and Vitamin D campaigner, public health nutritionist, trained medical doctor, researcher

Dr. Asmat Syed is a trained medical doctor with an MSc in Clinical and Public health Nutrition. For over ten years she has campaigned to raise awareness about Vitamin D, sun exposure and healthy eating for disease prevention targeting at families. She has worked on numerous community and research projects involving vulnerable families, pregnant women, babies, young children

She is passionate about ethnic women and children’s health in UK. A lot of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities living in London are facing food poverty and nutritional inadequacy because of lack of awareness, barrier in accessing services and financial crisis due to Covid-19 lockdown.

They have the highest rates of poor birth outcomes, pregnancy related complication, childhood obesity, infant mortality, cardio vascular diseases and type two Diabetes. Families need information, resources and support to become healthier so they can give the best start to their babies and young children. In her current job as a Senior Healthy Families Practitioner with HENRY charity she is building partnership with Pharmacies, Children centres, Health Visitors, Midwives, libraries and community groups to improve the uptake of HENRY services, training professionals to improve the uptake of Healthy Start Vitamins and National Healthy Start scheme in London, recruiting and retaining families to Healthy Families workshops and group programme, reviewing menu and providing Eat Better Start Better guidance to the children centres and registered childminders, supervising and supporting new practitioners and freelance facilitators and developing information literatures and training materials for Healthy Start Vitamins and National Healthy Start scheme. She also took part in raising fund for HENRY Covid-19 buddy project.

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