Sarah Mak

Running a portfolio of profit-for-purpose companies that intersect storytelling, technology and social impact

Sarah Mak runs a portfolio of profit-for-purpose companies that intersect storytelling, technology and social impact. They include SaaS platform Folktale; award winning storytelling agency TheStoryBoxes; and Poplabs, an incubator for creative businesses using storytelling to drive social impact.

Sarah is committed to driving change through real stories, and brings a unique lens to storytelling with her background in Public Health, Psychology and International Development, having worked with the World Health Organisation in Geneva and on in-country assignments across Asia Pacific. Sarah has produced hundreds of hours of award-winning factual content with national and global brands in order to engage audiences, communicate ideas, and incite change.

Sarah is able to speak on:

- The future of storytelling
- The importance of storytelling
- Her experience as a female tech founder
- Her experience building a product at the intersection of tech, global development and global health
- Building a for-profit business as well as wanting to change the world for good.

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