Chaneil Imhoff

Mental health advocate and communications consultant

Chaneil C. Imhoff is a young entrepreneur, communications specialist, and mental health activist.

Chaneil has worked with Local, Regional and International Organisations Consulting on Branding, Communications and Design and is passionate about leveraging technology to advance National Development and fostering an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Antigua and Barbuda.

She has recently been selected as a participant in the 2022  Young Leaders of the Americas (YLAI) Initiative.

After attending the Antigua Girls’ High School, she attended the Antigua State College and is now a Marketing Major at the University of the West Indies Five Islands Campus where she serves as Vice President of the Guild of Students Council.

Chaneil hails from the Gunthorpes Estate community where she currently resides with deep familial roots in Parham Town, Pares Village, Villa and Falmouth. She is the Democratic National Alliance’s Team Leader in St. Peter.

As a mental health advocate, Imhoff is the author of the Mental Health and Campaign Finance Reform Bills in the National Youth Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda and works closely with the Clarevue Psychiatric Hospital in Fundraising and Awareness Campaigns for Mental Health in Antigua and Barbuda.

She is also the Public Relations officer for the Caribbean Women in Leadership Antigua and Barbuda National Chapter and the former Public Relations Officer at The Wallings Nature Reserve.

Chaneil currently serves as the Communications Officer of the Democratic National Alliance and the Team Leader in the St. Peter Constituency.

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