Dr Elaine Sihera

Podcaster, writer, women and minorities wellbeing and empowerment advocate; diversity inclusion consultant

As a British writer, speaker, sociologist, Cambridge postgraduate and successful business entrepreneur, Elaine has enjoyed a rewarding career spanning some key pioneering innovations. The creator of the groundbreaking New Theory of Confidence©, and pioneer of Managing the Diversity Maze, she is particularly passionate about self-efficacy (Confidence) and self-value, its power to affect mental wellbeing, and to promote a strong sense of belonging and inclusion. Her preferred areas of expertise are Race, Gender and Ageing, to match her own persona and experience.

As well as a high profile Black role model, the subject of various books, articles and interviews, Elaine has presented a significant number of keynote speeches and professional achievement workshops relating to  staff management, empowering women and minorities, and effective diversity practice over the past 25 years. These have enabled her unique impact as a pioneering consultant adviser for numerous private, public service, and voluntary organisations.

The following key achievements demonstrate Elaine's personality, priorities, and expertise.

1. Creating and organising the pioneering British Diversity Awards which made a huge impact on improving diversity practice in society. Patronised by government ministers and the heads of many corporate and government organisations, the BDAs helped to promote, and develop, effective diversity management practice. For the 12 years duration of the Awards, there were over 4000 entrants, representing more than 6 million workforce employees.

2. The first Black graduate of the Open University, and more recently being honoured as a Doctor of the University for her: "Exceptional contribution to education and culture, and protecting and enriching Britain's diversity landscape."

3. The first Black woman in the UK to own a national multicultural magazine, and the only woman to be simultaneously awarded two National Training Awards by the former Department of Trade and Industry.

4. Presenting the first Diversity Lecture to MPs in the U.K House of Commons to raise awareness of its importance to society, and being a keynote speaker at the first UNESCO Global Women’s Leadership Conference which showcased some dynamic high status achievers from across the world.

5. Creating and organising a very successful Meet-Up group, arranging events and counselling for people of all ages who were isolated at home through lack of information about personal options. It ran for four years and had over 400 members when it closed because of her illness.

6. Author of a pioneering research on the power of Confidence on personal perspectives and routine actions (600 participants). One of the key discoveries was that though women may not be as confident, and lack the self-belief when they're in their 30s, they actually surpass the men once they reach 42+ years old, their confidence peaking in their 50s!

7. Consulted by the OU in 2021 to contribute a section to their Tackling Racism in Higher Education awareness course, distributed to over 160 colleges and universities.

8. Elaine is perhaps the only Black Briton to have read ALL of the 58 Booker Prize winners, learning much in the process about the inclusion of both minority authors and characters in the awards!

9. Currently Elaine has added podcasting to her expertise to promote her message of the importance of inclusivity, particularly focusing on the negative effects of exclusion on perception of personal value, and mental and emotional wellbeing.

BOOKING FEES: Please use the enquiry form via the CONTACT below.

PLEASE NOTE: Elaine's not-for-profit consultancy, ESC, is unable to give presentations without a fee.  However, each fee charged depends on the following factors:
• The nature and content of the presentation;
• The status (whether voluntary, public service, or commercial)
• The size of the organisation;
• The amount of time involved.

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