Dr Arpinder Bansi

Award-winning engineer, international & TEDx speaker and trainer who went from designing space shuttles to empowering people to break out of systemic conditioning

Dr Arpinder Bansi is an award winning trainer and international speaker on smashing glass ceilings in working towards fairness, inclusiveness and respect. You can watch her TEDx talk “How to Close the Door on Imposter Syndrome" on YouTube.

She is an avid ambassador mentoring and inspiring youngsters, especially ethnic minorities to pursue higher education, and in particular encouraging girls to consider STEM careers.

She was the first Sikh woman to get a degree in engineering and went on to do a PhD in space shuttle design going against the generational conditioning of her community. She is a chartered engineer who has worked  in the industry for nearly 25 years navigating through systemic conditioning before starting her own business in 2010 to empower under-represented people to find their seat in the boardroom.

As a mother of 2, she knows only too well the challenges faced by many women in balancing their careers and their home life. These challenges become harder to overcome because of the known and unknown barriers in the work place and their impact.

In 2020 she launched Women of Worth Programs to create more visible female role models to inspire young girls to dream big and become future female leaders.

She has given motivational talks on a range of topics including unconscious bias, leadership, empowerment and action for a variety of organisations including Universities, FT200 companies, Civil Service, Chamber of Commerce and Women Engineering Society both offline and online.

Her passion is to inspire people to break out of systemic conditioning. She feels we all have a role to serve future generations to help create a world where everyone fits in. A world where people are acknowledged for their talent, skills and experience and not unintentionally excluded from opportunities by being different because of the way they look, speak or have been brought up.

She tailors her talks to organisational briefing notes and will talk on anything to get you moving to inspire your own networks to address diversity and inclusion.

Her favourite subjects she gives talks on include:

Understanding Biases,
Smash the Glass Ceiling and Get Off the Sticky Floor,
Stand up with Confidence,
Claim your Authenticity,
Be a Woman of Worth
Be a Fearless Leader
Why you need to be a Proactive Rolemodel

Her awards include:

Exceptional Woman of Excellence award for work in unconscious bias in leadership
Iconic Woman award for work in empowering people to be authentic leaders
Winner of Inspirational Leader in Civil Engineering, Institution of Civil Engineers
Atkins CEO Prize for innovative staff development initiatives

Want to see her in action?

Here is a link to her speech in Naples given to  Girls in Tech (Europe)

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