Angie Mwafulirwa

Passionate about sharpening women, personal development and women's rights

Based in the Glasgow, Angie Mwafulirwa is the founder of Sharpen Her: the African Women’s Network (SHAWN), aimed at building the capacity of African and other BME women to build their capacity to become active citizens. SHAWN brings together women to support their integration, train them, share information and build connections with each other and the wider community.

It is not a coincidence that Angie launched SHAWN on international Women's Day. It is a reflection of how passionately she feels about making a difference in women's lives.

She also founded Young and Sharp, a young people’s mentoring programme, where she mentors well over 400 young people, thanks to technology.

Angie’s passion is to make a difference, mostly using personal lived experience, in the lives of women, young people, migrants and survivors of gender-based violence.

Angie is also an author of a personal development book 'Uncovering the New You' and a co-author in a new international bestseller, 'Outlive the Labels' where women share their stories of resilience.

Postgraduate Diploma in Community Development: University of Glasgow
Master’s in Human Rights Law: University of Strathclyde
Diploma in Groupwork and Counselling (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy): The Centre of Therapy, Glasgow
Bachelor of Social Science (Sociology): University of Malawi

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