Danielle Dobson

Author of Breaking the Gender Code, inspiring women to empower themselves, in business, in life, every day

Danielle Dobson is a powerful speaker who uses her warmth, passion and knowledge to connect with audiences, spark curiosity, and make sense of complex and challenging problems, both in the workplace and in the home.

Professionally raised in the world of finance, Danielle built her skills and strengths in male-led work environments, holding HQ finance leadership roles for global engineering services companies in the UK and the US, and getting her hands dirty on a steel mill in central Italy.

Living and working in five countries over 20+ years, Danielle experienced the challenges, triumphs and trip-ups related to working within different cultures, and with people bringing diverse perspectives. She learned how to build inclusive workplaces, and how creating a sense of belonging is key to personal, professional and business success.

Along the way, Danielle noticed how people around her (and herself), particularly professional women in high-pressure roles, were suffering from stress and overwhelm. She committed to finding out why, and how to fix it.

Based on her extensive research drawing on, history, neuroscience, social research, and conversations and interviews with over 100 high performing leaders across a range of professions, Danielle discovered that the Gender Code is what holds women, men, leaders and businesses back from success.

She shared her findings in her book, Breaking the Gender Code: how women can use what they already have to get what they actually want, Danielle has been featured in the AFR, Smart Company, Women’s Agenda, 9 Honey, ABC Radio, Start-up Daily, Inside Small Business, IT Wire, Women Love Tech and The Mercury.

Today, Danielle uses this body of work and her experiences to help women
and men to work together to break the Gender Code, so they can be the leader, partner, parent and person they know they are and want to be.

She works with companies around the globe and her focus is on leaders and their teams, to help them understand the shifting nature of their sometimes-complex roles, both at work and in life, and ultimately equip them with strategies to navigate the rapidly evolving dynamic.

But it’s Danielle’s dedication to inspiring audiences to break the Gender Code and re-write their own code for life, that makes her an incredible coach, intuitive researcher and an extraordinary speaker.

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