Jilinda Lee

Outspoken feminist, national gender equality leader, author, speaker, and change champion

Jilinda Lee is a change champion, internationally recognised leadership expert, inspirational thought leader, dynamic speaker, writer, mentor and passionate influencer on all things leadership and equity related.

As a global advocate for women’s participation in raising the leadership bar, Jilinda’s high energy sweet spot is fuelled and fired up when combining her two great passions:


Known for her vibrant, passionate personality, and straight-shooting commentary, Jilinda Lee is not afraid to challenge the status quo. Playing small to suit others in not her style; it goes against her values and beliefs on equity. Instead, she purposefully rocks individuality, espouses authenticity, and dares to disrupt for greater-good outcomes.

When presenting, Jilinda delivers lively on-point talks, using meaningful personal stories, designed to inspire and ignite her audience to be the change makers the world so desperately needs.

In 2019, she published her first book – Rock Your Stripes, to inspire more women to step up into leadership; in their lives and for the greater good of our society, and her current book research is focused on addressing ageism bias, especially for women over 50.

She holds several gender equality leadership roles, including Director on Australian Gender Equality Council – national board, Network Leader for Lean In Queensland - part of Lean In global, Founder/Chair of ElevateHER Australia, and Lead Mentor of the National Circle Leaders Alliance – Australia.

Jilinda readily adapts her inspirational talks to suit themes, and the IWD themes on gender equality flows into her favourite signature topics and current research interests.

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