Diana Parkes BSc BSc MBPsS

How to embrace the truth about your worth, to enjoy your best working life, from today

In this session, Diana Parkes, Founder of The Women’s Sat Nav to Success and author of 'Understand: Dare: Thrive. How to have your best career, from today' will explore why recognising your value - and having it recognised - is an issue that resonates so loudly with women today. She will address the real causes of the fragility of women’s confidence in their capability, and share her framework to articulate and quantify the truth about your Professional Value Proposition. This will equip you with the evidence and language to secure the roles, recognition, support and rewards you deserve.
You will:
•           gain insights into the psychological dynamics that can make asking for such things as a pay rise, a better bonus or a promotion so deeply difficult for many women,
•           hear the facts about the issue and discover why addressing it is crucial for you, your employer and the economy,
•           learn how to articulate your unique and compelling Professional Value Proposition (PVP), to understand the potency and saliency of your work and worth, and to convince the gatekeepers of your success.

This talk draws on the 15 years of pioneering research by The Women’s Sat Nav to Success and insights from the 45 female leaders interviewed by Diana for her book: 'Understand: Dare: Thrive, how to have your best career, from today' (a free chapter is available via https://womenssatnav.co.uk/the-book/)

A free download of the Professional Value Proposition framework is available at https://womenssatnav.co.uk/insights-resources/#SelfAssessment

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