Gerrie Hawes

Corporate behavioural psychologist working with global companies

Soft skills are the hardest' talk or workshop, or her special IWD sessions on 'Networking without the cringe' and 'Owning our Equity'
'Remotely Human Leaders: Soft skills are the hardest'
Her focus is on the Future of Leadership, specifically human centred leadership. She works with leaders at all levels to consider their impact on the team and success by improving Happiness, Optimism, Playfulness and Empathy. They're often called soft skills. She says "Soft skills are the hardest".

"Gerrie has made me think how I lead. I've been all about driving forward, I hadn't considered my  impact on the team" CEO, Digital Startup

Watch a summary here:

For IWD, Gerrie offers two bespoke talks or workshops:

'Networking without the cringe'
Five years ago Gerrie was asked to run a session for women leaders at a US bank. The more she researched the more she discovered how badly many women network. From self-serving to 'brown nosing' - it's considered a dirty word... for most networking is cringeworthy.
Gerrie's 'Networking without the cringe' is the perfect talk to lead into a social session with some really great, fun and useful networking.

'Owning our Equity'
Gerrie jokes she only realised she's a women a couple of years ago. Before, she considered herself a 'Business Person'. Her gender was irrelevant. Then a conversation with a former employee made her realise the impact of gender discrimination and lack of equity on her career in the sports industry. Her talk reflects on her experiences and brings in practical steps for all genders to consider our personal responsibility to #EmbraceEquity

Watch a summary here:

Gerrie's style is entertaining and informative, she likes to get the audience active and aims to inspire everyone to do something different as a result of the talk or workshop.

Her clients include: GSK, International Committee of the Red Cross/Crescent, Roche, AXA, EY, Samsung, British College of Veterinary Surgeons

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