Gifty Enright

Author and speaker on women, success, health and happiness in the workplace

Gifty Enright is an author and international speaker on corporate women's issues.

She has spoken at Wells Fargo Bank, Oxford University, Citi Bank, IBM, BP, ACCA, Tedx Women to name a few.

Gifty’s latest book, Octopus on a Treadmill: Women, Success, Health, Happiness, has been widely praised, including by Joanna Lumley OBE.

Gifty is highly regarded blogger on women's issues and wellbeing and her work is regularly published by internationally outlets such as Thrive Global.

Gifty trained originally as an accountant and worked in a variety of blue-chip companies before crossing over into IT consultancy.

She has implemented business and IT transformation programmes globally in the Europe, America and Asia.

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