Aditi Loveridge

Belonging expert, professional speaker, charity founder/CEO, social change maker & community builder

Aditi Loveridge (she/her) is a social change maker, community builder, and the Founder and CEO of the registered charity, Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Centre. She is also Board Co-Chair of Skipping Stones Foundation, a registered charity empowering trans and gender-diverse youth and adults.

As an belongingness expert, Aditi has advocated for systemic and social change at the government level.

Aditi’s fierce dedication to intersectional restorative social justice and equality for all has made her a trailblazer within the community. In 2023 Aditi was given the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal in recognition of her outstanding service.

Aditi was also recognized as a finalist for the RBC Women Entrepreneur Social Change--National Impact Award, celebrating her as an exceptional leader of a registered charity, dedicated to her unique brand of social change, at a national level.

Keynote Title: Be You, The World will Adjust

Aditi Loveridge (she/her) knows firsthand what it feels like to not belong. For many years she hid her true self trying to conform to what society and culture expected of her. From denying her South Asian roots, keeping her sexual identity hidden, staying in a deeply toxic and unhealthy marriage, Aditi was used to hiding in order to “fit in”.

In her quest to fit in, she created an endless cycle of self doubt, anxiety, and unhealthy relationship dynamics. Through developing a spiritual practice, Aditi no longer adjusted herself for the world but instead went within.

In this candid and honest keynote session, Aditi shares key action items that people can implement to foster a sense of belonging within themselves. The world can, and will, adjust to our truest selves if we are brave enough to unleash it.

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