Alisha Fernando

Fleeing Vietnam, rescued by a Dutch freight ship in South China Sea, Bloomberg's Alisha Fernando is an award-winning diversity and inclusion professional

Fleeing Vietnam in 1982 and rescued by a Dutch freight ship in the South China Sea and brought to a refugee camp in Pulau Bidong where Alisha received refugee status and granted safe haven to Australia.

Arriving in Tasmania in early 1983, Alisha's family embarked on rebuilding a new life before settling in Melbourne.

Alisha has been awarded the Migration Council of Australia’s Business Inclusion Award for her leadership in expanding ANZ’s refugee work placement program.

She was also awarded a scholarship from the Victorian Government for their Joan Kirner Young and Emerging Women Leaders program which has allow her to continue her work and leadership in diversity and inclusion across private sector, government and not-for-profit organisations, focused on supporting the integration, advancement and inclusion of under-represented groups.

Currently the Head of Diversity and Inclusion for Bloomberg LP across Asia Pacific.

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