Lisen Ydse Christiansen

Culture curator, entrepreneur, creative, experienced business consultant & mentor

Lisen deliver the talks that inspire you to get up and do something to a wide range of audiences. Drawing on a rich repository of global stories and evidence-based research, her experiences as a holistic and creative female entrepreneur, and working across corporate and social impact worlds, gives her a unique perspective on leadership, innovative and creative solutions to social challenges, and community building. Lisen loves to engage her audiences with uplifting storytelling and actionable takeaways.

An experienced speaker and lecturer for more than a decade, Lisen has spoken on stages at events for more than 200 people and been interviewed in podcasts, newspapers, magazines and other media outlets. She has been a requested guest lecturer for adult learners, and has been a presenter on multiple occasions for international delegations, students and for other businesses and organisations.

Previous clients include:
Assegaf Hamzah & Partners in Jakarta, United Nations Populations Fund - Sexual and Reproductive Health Agency in Copenhagen and STIKOM Universities in Bali to name a few.

Testimonials can be provided upon request.

Lisen Ydse Christiansen is an energetic speaker with an engaging and unique point of view. She leaves her audiences with tools to improve communication, performance & results. Expert on Social Impact issues, ESG, change, motivation, leadership, personal development and finding your unique personal brand voice.

Some of the keynote topics Lisen can speak about, but not limited to is:

- A Reframed Systematic Approach to Social Responsibility: How to work from the inside out
- The 4 pillars of Social Responsibility: Individual, Personal, Corporate, Global Corporate
- Human Centered Leadership
- Mastering the Art of Communication: R.E.L.A.T.A.B.L.E.
- The Wondervention Effect
- The Essence of POW: Powerful. Outstanding. Women. #wowtothepow

Born and raised in Norway, Lisen Ydse Christiansen has traveled extensively thus far in her life at 39 and have a unique background and resume. Her love for travel has brought her to live in Ireland, Canada, South of France and Indonesia. Starting out as a creative, she started her undergraduate in general fine arts at Emily Carr University of Art & Design in Vancouver with a major in Critical & Cultural practices and a minor in image and text, but her work today is also greatly influenced by her role in the corporate world of waste management in Oslo for Norsk Gjenvinning, where she spent the majority of her 30’s as a senior manager responsible for more than 200 employees, conducting quality assurance audits, implementing corporate social responsibility strategies, creating educational programs, and being responsible as the project manager for a variety of major budgeted, complex, high-stake projects.

As the Founder and Chief Executive- & Creative Officer of The Sumati Group, a limited liability company established in Indonesia, it is Lisen’s unique professional background, in combination with her personal experiences, that have shaped her life the most and gives her the ability to understand and guide others. Having experienced loss and grief, and overcome her own health struggles with depression, self-injuring and bulimia in her early 20s, and fibromyalgia, thyroid cancer and a breast tumor in her 30s, her work is much defined from her personal and professional life.

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