Michelle Katherine Louise Boyle

United Nations Millennium Fellow, campus director, mentor, & a New Colombo Plan Representative

Michelle has more than two decades of experience in various sectors, such as public speaking, sales, advertising, marketing, HR, and leadership in both the UK and Australia.

Michelle is passionate about empowering businesses and individuals to embrace diversity, neurodiversity and inclusion in leadership.

Michelle owns and runs her own private counselling and coaching practice, where she offers corporate coaching on servant leadership, ADHD in the workplace, women in leadership, conflict resolution, mediation, and change facilitation.

Michelle is a United Nations Millennium Fellow, Campus Director, and mentor, and a New Colombo Plan Representative, after receiving a scholarship to visit and study the slums in Northern India.

Michelle speaks internationally on servant leadership and social justice, Neourodiveristy in the workplace, ADHD, Women as leaders and how men can bridge the gender gap.

Michelle holds a Diploma in Professional Counselling, a BSc in Psychology (Hons), and is currently pursuing an MBA at the University of Sydney.

Her talks on International womens day involve:
- What is international womens day
- Her bio- and journey
- The UN SDG goals for 20-30
- Stats for Australian women in 2024 (thesis on  women in leadership)
- why now-
- What can we do
- How men can  raise women up
- What next

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