Virginia Herlihy

Gender parity expert, CEO & Founder of How Do You Do It - a group coaching for working parents

CEO Virginia Herlihy founded International coaching consultancy How Do You Do It with the aim of creating the career family support programmes that she wished had been available for her and her partner when they became parents.  

Using her extensive experience in training, coaching and facilitation within large corporates, Virginia has developed award-winning programmes that include individuals, their managers and their organisations to support the retention and progression of diverse talent, particularly working parents.

Having coached thousands of working parents and their managers across Australia and the UK, Virginia has considerable insight into the barriers and solutions to creating more equal workplaces.

Using the presentation skills she applies daily in her role as a coach, Virginia is a knowledgable and engaging speaker, speaking regularly at industry events on topics such as:
- Tackling the motherhood penalty to help reduce the gender pay gap
- Practical ways to prevent the mental load holding back women and how couples can tackle it constructively
- The importance of supporting fathers in their role as carers to increase gender equality
throughout organisations
- Achieving organisational behavioural change to increase gender parity

Virginia is a passionate believer that championing more than one version of success is critical for increasing diversity and supporting career families, “if people look up in their organisation and see only one type of person succeeding, they will inevitably believe that only one version of success is possible.”  

How Do You Do Its’ programmes help organisations embrace different versions of success by supporting the drivers of change, such as the acceptance and adoption of flexible work for all. Looking at the whole person and how they navigate their career and family responsibilities in a way that works for them, How Do You Do It enable individuals to thrive and organisations to benefit from the broadest talent pool.

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