Donna Burton OAM

Astronomer, Science Communicator, Comet Discoverer & Drover’s Brat: How a kid from the bush made good

Donna is an astronomer and science communicator who is passionate about astronomy and has made it her life’s work.

Known affectionately as Donna the Astronomer, she is dedicated to engaging people, particularly children, in the wonders and mysteries of the night sky. Working out of the Milroy Observatory in Coonabarabran, NSW, Donna and her team introduces local residents and tourists to the area to constellations, planets, and stars through her nightly Star Gazing Show.

She employs a keen team aged from 15 - 69 who share her passion and enthusiasm for the night sky.

Growing up in the Aussie bush, Donna fell in love with the sky at an early age.

She is always happy to share her love of the sky with anyone who will listen! She has been a speaker for schools, amateur astronomy gatherings, Astrofests, seniors’ groups and even been a guest lecturer on several Princess, Royal Caribbean, and other cruise lines. This gives her the opportunity to combine her love of astronomy along with travel.  

Life has not always been easy for Donna. However, as the daughter of a drover she fell in love with the sky. This became the one constant in her life.

She believes that we all share the same sky and no matter where or who we are – we can go out at night and know that others are looking up at the same wonders.  

Recognised for being the first Australian woman to discover two comets, Donna is a popular speaker. She shares her knowledge and ancient stories of the sky to inspire and enthuse any audience. She loves teaching, writing, and undertaking research.

In 2010, NASA’s WISE spacecraft took a picture of a comet Donna discovered three years previously – announcing to the world that “ANU Astronomer, Donna Burton was the first Australian woman to discover a comet.”  This was, in fact, the second comet discovered by Donna.

Donna was honoured to be featured as one of the 2019 Legends of the Bush in the 2019 RM Williams Great Australian magazine. In 2021, she was featured in a beautiful book ‘Classic Agenda Heroes’.

On the Kings birthday this year, Donna was awarded an OAM for work in science and in particular Astronomy.

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