Christina Bastin

Discusses more humanity in investment so investment can serve humanity

Christina Bastin is an award-winnng fund manager investing in Asia. She works for Muzinich.

She is one of 4% of Female Fund Managers in the UK. Christina is an outlier in the industry for being 1) female 2) arts graduate 3) of mixed race 4) not boarding school educated.

She is campaigning for more humanity in investment. For more of the human race to be represented - not just more women - but different kinds of humans. She is campaigning for more human decision-making.

This is because AI and super computers are taking over and now the largest funds in the world are rules-based on run by supercomputers, aka Passive Funds.

She is campaigning for Active Investment to combat the rules-driven Passive investment because she believes this leads to better governance, better long-term investment, better for the climate, in short - better for human beings.

How can we create an equal world if we do not have equal minded people investing for equality.

She argues that without more women, more diverse human beings involved in investment, we will not have financial stability, or good returns for the long run, or stop the destruction through climate change.

Please see the video - speech given at the Houses of Commons at

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